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Pomegranates: A How-To

Hey guys! I'm back with you, this time not to share a tutorial or a recipe, but a question I've heard many, many times. How to do you get the most out of your pomegranate without staining your clothes, getting your hands dirty, and squishing half the seeds before you eat them?

There is an answer, believe it or not. Before you discard your pomegranates because you can't find a neat way to eat them, read on. This article will show you how to easily get the seeds out of your pomegranates. It's a method that may take a couple times to get right, but once you do you'll never switch back to another way.

Look at how delicoius those are. They look like a pile of little jewels...

So, my friends, this is how you end up with that beautiful pile of seeds shown above. Grab your pomegranates and knives; let's get started!


Take a small knife and cut off the top of the pomegranate. Don't go so far down as to pierce the seeds, but cut past the outer rind of the fruit.


Score the "points" of the pomegrantes. If you look directly down on it, you'll see there are some flat sides and there are some corners, or points. Cut through the rind of the fruit on those points, again not cutting so deep as to reach the seeds. You can see the white lines where I cut on Figure 2. I scored about 8 "points".


Complete the process of scoring, as stated above.


Begin to break open the pomegranate, sticking your thumbs in the hole created in step 1 and pulling apart. If you scored in the right places, the fruit should come apart easily.


Continue to pull apart. Open the pomegranate out completely so you can see all the sections.

STEP SIX: Break off each section one at a time and use your fingers to gently pull the seeds away from the white rind. I usually keep two bowls with me, one for the seeds and one for all the trash left over.

And there you are! Keep working at it and in no time at all you have a beautiful bowl of pomegranate seeds. Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to try this method out when you have a pomegranate next!


Next week is Thanksgiving, can you believe it! I can't wait. I'm going to be posting a whole series of posts because I'm managing dessert and party favors for this Thanksgiving dinner! Watch out for those...I see a pie and plenty of fudge on the menu!

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